dimecres, 26 de novembre del 2008

Mail Labs amb Net Access

Els clients de Net Access ara poden gaudir de noves funcionalitats en fase de proves per al seu correu. Un cop activada l'opció Lab per al seu domini, aquests addon es poden configurar des de la icona de dalt a la dreta.

Aquesta opció només està disponible per a Net Access en anglès, que és l'opció que contempla la fase de proves.

En propers posts explicarem les funcionalitats més atractives.

Serveis Informàtics Corretgé.com SLU Mail engineers come up with new ideas all the time.

Serveis Informàtics Corretgé.com SLU Mail Labs is our place to try them out and get your feedback. None of these features are really ready for prime time yet, so they may change, break or disappear at any time. Learn more about Serveis Informàtics Corretgé.com SLU Mail Labs
If (when) a Labs feature breaks, and you're having trouble getting into your account, there's an escape hatch -- just go to http://mail.google.com/a/corretge.cat/?labs=0 and Labs will be temporarily disabled.

Quick Links
by Dan P

Adds a box to the left column that gives you 1-click access to any bookmarkable URL in Serveis Informàtics Corretgé.com SLU Mail. You can use it for saving frequent searches, important individual messages, and more.

by Kai H & Julie W

Adds additional star icons. After enabling this feature:
(1) Go to the "General" Settings page to choose which superstars you wish to use.
(2) Use either the keyboard shortcut ('s') or click to rotate through your selected superstars.
(3) Use the search operator "has:" to find all messages with your superstar (e.g. "has:red-bang", "has:blue-star"). Learn the name of a superstar by hovering over its image in the "General" Settings page.

Pictures in chat
by Dave C

See your friends' profile pictures when you chat with them.

Fixed width font
by Keith C

Adds an option to the reply dropdown menu that lets you view a message in fixed width font.

Custom keyboard shortcuts
by Alan S

Lets you customize keyboard shortcut mappings. Adds a new Settings tab from which you can remap keys to various actions.

Mouse gestures
by Erik A

Use your mouse to navigate with gestures. Hold right-click and move the mouse left to go to a previous conversation, move it right to go to the next conversation, and move up to go back to the inbox view. Works best on Windows.

Signature tweaks
by Keith C and Dave C

Places your signature before the quoted text in a reply, and removes the "--" line that appears before signatures.

Random Signature
by Chad P

Rotates among random quotations for your email signature.

Custom date formats
by Emil E

Adds options to the general settings page allowing the date and time format to be changed independent of language. For example, you can use a 24-hour clock (14:57) or show dates with the day first (31/12/07).

by Chad P

Conserves screen real estate by hiding your friends' status messages.

Old Snakey
by Dave C

Kick it old school with Old Snakey! Enable keyboard shortcuts and hit '&' from the main page to play a game of snake.

Email Addict
by Michael D

Lets you take a break from email and chat by blocking the screen for fifteen minutes and making you invisible in chat.

Right-side chat
by Emily C

Move the chat box to the right side of the inbox.

Right-side labels
by Emily C

Move the labels box to the right side of the inbox.

Hide Unread Counts
by Matt M

Hides the unread counts for inbox, labels, etc.

Advanced IMAP Controls
by Jamie N

Choose which labels show up in IMAP, turn off message auto-expunging, or trash messages when they're deleted from IMAP.

Canned Responses
by Chad P

Email for the truly lazy. Save and then send your common messages using a button next to the compose form. Also automatically send emails using filters.

Default 'Reply to all'
by Mark K

Make 'Reply to all' your default option for responding to emails.

Quote selected text
Ryan A

Quote the text you have selected when you reply to a message. This works best if you use keyboard shortcuts.

Navbar drag and drop
by Anatol P

Allows you to reorder the items in your navbar using drag and drop.

Mail Goggles
by Jon P

Google strives to make the world's information useful. Mail you send late night on the weekends may be useful but you may regret it the next morning. Solve some simple math problems and you're good to go. Otherwise, get a good night's sleep and try again in the morning. After enabling this feature, you can adjust the schedule in the "General" settings page.

Forgotten Attachment Detector
by Jonathan K

Prevents you from accidentally sending messages without the relevant attachments. Prompts you if you mention attaching a file, but forgot to do so.

Vacation Time!
by Darick

Lets you specify starting and ending dates for the vacation autoresponder.

Custom Label Colors
by Mark K

Lets you create your own combination of colors for labels. Instead of choosing one of the standard colors from the label dropdown menu, click on Add custom colors. Pick your combination of colors, hit Apply, and enjoy.

Mark as Read Button
by Mark K

Tired of spending all that effort to click on the more actions menu every time you want to mark messages as read without reading them? Now just enable this lab and that is just a button click away!

Go to label
by Bruce D

Enable keyboard shortcuts and hit 'g' then 'l' to display a popup for selecting a label to go to. Also works with Quick Links.

Google Calendar gadget
by Ben K and Garry B

Adds a box in the left column which shows your Google Calendar. See upcoming events, locations, and details.

Google Docs gadget
by Claudia C and Ted C

Adds a box in the left column which displays your Google Docs. Shows recent docs, starred docs, and has fast search.

Add any gadget by URL
by Dan P and Dong C

Adds a "Gadgets" tab to Settings, where you'll be able to specify the URL of any gadget. This gadget will show in a box in the left column.

diumenge, 16 de novembre del 2008

Configurant reverse DNS

Dins un entorn de desenvolupament resulta necessari disposar d'un servidor de noms propi on poder especificar els noms per el que identificarem els servidors virtuals d'Apache.

En un ambient Linux pur, amb un senzill
sudo apt-get install bind9
i editant la zona de 'proves' ja en tindríem prou. Però en departaments de programació PHP on convieuen màquines Linux i Windows, és necessari habilitar la ressolució de noms a la inversa, o reverse DNS lookup.

En una xarxa 10.10.10.* editarem l'arxiu /etc/bind/named.conf.local i afegirem
zone "10.10.10.in-addr.arpa" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/zones/rev.10.10.10.in-addr.arpa";

I si el servidor de noms és la màquina, l'arxiu /etc/bind/zones/rev.10.10.10.in-addr.arpa contindrà:
$TTL 38400
@ IN SOA ns1.corretge.ct. root.corretge.ct. (
86400 );

IN NS ns1.corretge.ct.
17 IN PTR corretge.ct.

Per a certificar que tot funciona correctament, des de qualsevol màquina de la xarxa farem:
I ens retornarà:
Address: name = corretge.ct.

dimecres, 12 de novembre del 2008

VideoXat amb GMail i Net Access

Google va anunciar ahir que ja és disponible la possibilitat de fer videoconferències (videoxat) des del navegador amb un compte GMail, o des de la plataforma Net Access que ofereix Serveis Informàtics Corretgé.com SLU.

Per habilitar aquesta opción només cal descarregar el plugin que han creat per a Windows i Mac OSX i reiniciar el navegador.

A partir d'aquest moment les persones que tenim habiliades per a xat que disposin d'aquest plugin apareixeran amb una càmera al costat enlloc del clàssic puntet.

La qualitat està força bé, superior a la d'Skype amb les proves que hem fet, tot i que alguns cops s'ha congelat la imatge. Suposem que avui es deu haver colapsat el sistema per la novetat.

Trobem a faltar la versió per a Linux, la imatge de mostra és d'un Windows XP virtualitzat amb VMWare Server a Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. Ho faran així a Can Google amb el seu Goobuntu?